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Voodoo Vince presents the player as a voodoo doll named, what else, Vince. Vince's landlady, Madame Charmaine, has been kidnapped by Kosmo the Unfathomable because of her valuable zombie dust. During the abduction, a pile of zombie dust spreads, distorting reality. As a foot-long straw bag, it's up to the player to rescue Madame Charmaine and keep the zombie dust out of Kosmo's hands.

Throughout the game, the player will face a variety of villains, from alligators and bees to imps and demons. Players can use standard platforming attacks, like a head spin and dive, but also have voodoo magic at their disposal. To use voodoo, the player injures himself, thereby injuring his enemies. Players can pull out a large magnet that causes heavy metal debris to crush, killing nearby enemies, or they can summon a UFO to attack them with laser blasts.

Each level is littered with different pickups that not only help players, but will allow them to reach 100% completion. Collecting skulls will add another voodoo icon, allowing the player to use more voodoo powers. Other items will extend the health bar or provide certain bonuses.

Madame Charmaine needs you! Go for it !

The game was remastered for Microsoft Windows and Xbox One on April 18, 2017.
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