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Fly in slalom around the pylons (to the right of the reds, to the left of the blues). Avoid jumping a pylon, hitting pylons, trees or hot air balloons. Try to get the best possible time. If you fly on the wrong side of a pylon, you will get a three second penalty for each pylon missed. The total number of pylons remaining is at the top of the screen above the time. If you hit a tree, a pylon or a balloon, your plane will crash into the ground. You won't die but it will waste your time because your plane has to take off again. Hitting a pylon will not hurt your pylon count. You will still get credit for the pylon but will waste time as your plane was slowed down. You can press fire button to speed up or release to speed up. Move the joystick left or right to turn. You make turns, so you have to time the turns because it's not instantaneous. Moving up and down on the joystick does nothing.
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