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Skate Boardin' A Radical Adventure atari 2600

Skate Boardin' A Radical Adventure atari 2600

Regular price $6.99 CAD
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In this game, you have five minutes to walk from your porch to the school porch. You have to go through this maze and conquer 30 tubes and ramps AND get to school.

You start with your front steps. To get on the board, move left or right and while moving, press fire. When you're on your board, just push the direction you want to turn. Press fire to jump and press and hold fire to jump and land in a crouch position. You will also see rails, walls and obstacles, but you have to avoid them because they will cause you to crash.

To jump a ramp, just roll towards it and line up with it. To clear a tube, cross it while crouching. If you roll in the grass, it will slow you down. To pick up speed, hit something or roll through the grass until you stop, then restart the skateboard.

The dashboard at the top of the screen is no obstacle. When you get there, you keep going.
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