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Gateway to Apshai (COLECOVISION CV)

Gateway to Apshai (COLECOVISION CV)

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The turmoil shakes the earth and the only salvation lies in the magic of the Temple of Apshai. Unfortunately, the location of this temple has been lost over time. In addition, many heroes sent to find him have been killed. A legend says that only the blood of the greatest hero of the greatest hero of Apshai can recover the lost temple of Apshai. Unfortunately, this "greatest hero" also perished. But all hope is not lost, because the wise Merlis has found the hero's son, whose blood is still able to fulfill the prophecy. With great haste, Merlis takes the youth to the dungeons and leaves him to fend for himself. It is this youngster's destiny to find safe passage through the 8 levels, each containing a passage to 99 different areas,

Gateway to Apshai is a top-down action-RPG. As a descendant of a hero, the player starts with base stats in 4 areas, Strength, Agility, Luck, and Health. and the basic equipment, a dagger and leather armor. Then it's time to choose a number between 1 and 99 to generate the dungeon. Once started, the player must explore the dungeon, hidden until it is explored and revealed. The player can move in four directions and has standard abilities, each mapped to a different control. Several actions are available to the player. These include: fighting with the equipped weapon, a LOCATE spell to discover traps in the room, a SEARCH spell to discover hidden doors inside the room that would otherwise look like ordinary walls. Players can also use many items and scrolls that can be collected from the dungeon. Treasure can be picked up which includes weapons (swords, bows and arrows), healing slaves, precious items and magic scrolls. Most items are only good for one-time use.
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