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DOOM 64 picks up where all the other DOOM games left off. After traversing space, hell, and everywhere else in previous games, the Space Marine thought the threat of demons had finally passed. Of course, one survived and he is currently reanimating all the fallen monsters in a last ditch attempt to revitalize their evil mission. The player's task is to finally rid the universe of all crazy hells, from the dead man with the gun to the rocket-spewing Cyberdemon.

The game is very different from the original DOOM; it has entirely new sprites for monsters, new textures, pseudo-3D effects (such as bridges), colored lighting, scrolling skies, and custom scripts that enable effects such as morphing environments and objects of spawning. The levels are completely new. There are 32 levels in total, including several challenging "fun levels" that are not accessible in normal gameplay.

The list of enemies is similar to Doom II. Although several enemies from Doom II are not included, a new monster has been added: the "nightmare sprite", which moves and attacks twice as fast as a regular sprite. The end game boss is also new. The game features a new weapon, the Unmaker, which can be upgraded with "Demon Keys" found in secret levels.

The game's atmosphere is even darker than that of the original Doom games, partly because of the new soundtrack: instead of rock rock tracks, the music consists of creepy ambient sounds and drones.
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