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Blue Stinger controls much like most survival horrors of the era, but plays more like a straightforward action title with adventure elements. The player is encouraged to engage enemies encountered, as they not only drop coins which can be used to purchase health packs, new weapons, and ammo; but they respawn when re-entering most locations, allowing for a technically infinite number of coins to be collected, and therefore health and ammo. Even when the player runs out of ammo, Eliot can equip himself with a number of unlimited-use melee weapons that are just as powerful as ranged ones. Health packs, taking the form of food and drink, must be used in real time, with the player having to keep their character safe while the eating or drinking animation plays out. Although limited in scope, the island is entirely open to exploration and requires backtracking as new items are found or developments are achieved, as the player progresses through a story progressing through cutscenes game engine and radio conversations between Eliot, Dogs and Janine. Bosses are encountered regularly, with some being stronger versions of more commonly encountered enemies and playing out much like tougher battles with these; while others are unique and require the player to figure out their behaviors and patterns to defeat them. The puzzles are mostly of the minor variety, find the object and use it in the right place. Although environmental hazards appear in a number of locations, the game does not delve into Platformer territory as the actions required to pass these sections are either as simple as navigating around them or context-sensitive situations. particular.
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